After School Sports is once again available to students. Forms can be found in the school office or you may like to check online on the school website.
Sports available are:
- Auskick                     Reception – Year 2
- Kanga Cricket         Year 2 – 3
- AFL Football            Year 2 – 7
- Soccer                      Year 2 – 7
- Netball                      Year 2 – 7
- Basketball                Year 2 – 7
- Pedal Prix                Year 6-7 (Yr 5, 6,7 based only on meeting all the criteria & height)
- Cricket                      Year 4 – 7
- Volleyball                 Year 4 – 7
We are currently updating our website with more information regarding all sports so please take a look. For more information please have a chat to Kerri and she will direct you to the right people and information.